Hey, hey folks. Back again with another (hopefully) enlightening blog post. I wanted this blog to give insights into my mindset whether it’s with my process, inspiration, or other things related to my writing. So that brings me to today’s topic.
Hey, how’s it going? Hope spring time is treating you well. I’m happy you stopped by the blog today. In the last post, I gave a sort of introduction to the characters in my upcoming book Love and Sportsball, due out Sept. 24 from Afterglow Books. A couple of weeks ago I had the pleasure of interviewing Rae Shawn for her podcast Rae’s Corner, and one of the questions that came up was where does the inspiration for her stories come from.
Hello again. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Last post I broke down my process of using tarot cards to help build my characters’ personalities and motivations individually. That post got long, so I decided to break it up into two parts.
In this one I’ll be discussing how I use the Love Story oracle deck to build the relationship aspect for the characters and how that informs the conflict for the story. As a refresher, here is the character profile spread I use. Hey y’all. Welcome back to my blog. Last month I did a post about how I “plan” as a pantser and I briefly touched on using tarot as a tool that helps me build my characters. Coming off the latest #20kIn5Days challenge in which I had to do the work for a new WIP, I figured it’d be a good time to go more in depth with that process.
Happy March! I’m back for another installment of the random things that go on in Meka’s head, aka my blog. Though I do hope that the posts I’ve done so far have been entertaining and maybe a little enlightening. The blog title already tells you what will be going on today.
Hey y’all. So, for this post I originally started writing something else, but then I hit a wall with it and one of my friends suggested I change topics to see if that would help, so here we are. I think in the Rhythm of My Words post I talked about how I’m a pantser, meaning I don’t outline my stories. I get a general idea, and I see where it takes me.
Hey y’all and welcome back and happy February. I hope you’ve had a good start to your year. Kinda wild we’re already done with one month. I spent most of January working on my own edits, and also beta reading for another author. Because of that, I thought to share a few things I’ve learned over the years.
Happy Wednesday everyone. I’m back again. Today I wanted to talk about one of the things that helps me with both inspiration and productivity.
Music As writers we all have our processes. Some plot, some wing it, some do a combination of the two. If you didn’t know, I’m a total wing it gal. I’ve never liked outlines, even way back in my school days. That hasn’t changed over the years. Because I don’t plot, and my characters can sometimes be uncooperative, I need to seek motivation/inspiration from outside sources when I’m stuck. Hello, and welcome to my blog. I do hope you find the content I’m going to be sharing here insightful and entertaining. I want this to be a place where y’all can get to know me and my process a little better. I have grand ideas of sharing behind the scenes in what it takes for me to put together a story, how I get ideas, and just random tidbits that come to mind. To kick things off, I thought I’d start with how I ended up doing the author thing.